frozen food

fla pat

New Member
If frozen food is so good why do my fish not eat it? I have a flame angel, two domino damsel, and a maroon clown.:confused:


what kinds of frozen foods are we talking here? i feed me eel silversides and when i put the fish in the tank the damsals try to pick at the fish. i hope you thawing the fish out in some warm water!


I take a 5 cc syringe of water from the tank and I put it in a little shot glass with some frozen food (cyclop-eeze - or something similar) and a drop of Kent Garlic Xtreme. I mix it all together and inject (without the needle) it in the aquarium, especially where I want it. The fish DEVOUR it!


I alternate frozen Brine Shrimp + (brand name) and flake food. I have a percula clown, royal gramma, coral banded shrimp, brittle star, and red-lip blenny (also various cleaners). I take one cube of BS+ and put it in a little fresh water to thaw. Feed a quarter to a third of the cube daily until all gone at end of the week. I keep the mix in the fridge between feedings. All my fish snarf it right up. I was told by LFS that alternating foods is good since the flakes are enriched, but may not have some of the stuff in the frozen. I have had to add live brine to the regimine for the blenny.
Good luck, the frozen is cheap in the long haul. I bought 70 cubes over a year ago for about $12 and still have about a third left.


My fish love brineshrimp, but wont eat silversides, or krill for some reason. I have 2 clowns a firefish, and a lawnmower blenny. I've tried cutting the krill into bite sized morsels, but my clowns injest it, then immediately spit it out.
So for my fish it's a combo of frozen brine shrimp, formula one flake, and blood worms.
I think it depends on what frozen food you are trying to feed.
Are you asking for yourself or for FlaPat? Every LFS is different. If it isn't on their normal inventory then you may need to ask for a special order.
This works well for me. I feed live Brine Shrimp. So my LFS orders me some every two weeks.
I do have other fish that eat frozen shrimp fro HEB, Mysis shrimp, crab, I sometimes even share lobster with them before it gets cooked or seasoned.

barry cuda

You can make your own frozen mix at home for next to nothing if you choose. Fenner's book has a great basic recipe based on shellfish and nori that you can make for a few dollars a batch. My ocellaris were fed primarily on flake their entire lives until I acquired them last week, and both they and my wife's pink skunks go nuts for the Fenner stuff.