Frustrated at LFS


I bought a new fish today at *****, and I will never go back! I'm thinking of writing a letter to the manager, or even their headquarters. They had a full grown yellow tang in with a large anglefish, and they were both at the top and very stressed out. I really wanted to take them home, but I do not have a tank large enough, and I seriously doubt they would have made it through acclimation. I decided to test the water that my fish came in, and the ammonia was almost .50. I can not believe that some people can get away with half-fast taking care of their animals. I wish that I had a pet store (that is not *****) that was close that I could go to. The only real decent stores are in minneapolis, which is a 3 1/2 hour drive. I would order off, but do not have an order big enough that they would ship. Frustration! The fish that I bought is acclimating well, so I think he will be good. And, it's goin in the QT.

aztec reef

Active Member
yeah ***** is infamous for that. Everytime i walk in there i just wanna buy everything cause everything looks like they're suffering. I always see corals & anenomies dying cause of crappy lighting and poor water quality. I thing they should stick to Pet food & Freshwater fish..


i work at ***** have been for about 3 weeks now...i thought it would be a good way to learn and put the things i learned to use since every time i went in there it looked like BUTT...well as i was talking with the manager and the guy that currently maintaining the systems...appearently they are not trained properly and they guy was never even showed how to mix salt water...they were just putting salt straight into the sump....there were so many things i seen wrong and i want to fix....but i wont get the opportunity because of NEW restrictions.....needless to say I DO NOT like working there
the whole reason i got the job was because i felt bad for everything living so CRAPPY and thought it would be a good idea to have someone with some knowledge in Aquarium hobby plus a degree...apparently i was


I almost punched out a guy at ***** when I tried to buy a small tank for a short term hospital/quarantine tank. He started lecturing me about the fish size and claimed he had never heard of people having a separate tank to quarantine or treat their sick fish. I just went down the street to Petsmart and got my tank.


i asked the district manager why they didnt have a QT system setup for fish that were sick or for new shipments and i was told that they did but it wasnt never maintained and it looked just as bad as the displays and it ended up wasting more money than it was now they just let all the fish get sick cuz they share the same water and they have no gaurantee on saltwater animals


that sounds terrible, I think they should stick to pets and freshwater fish. Taking care of saltwater fish is way more complicated than it looks, and the way ***** takes care of them are insane. It really should not be allowed. I felt so bad when I could not take that yellow tang home, because I know he would be a beautiful addition, but tank size has me limited. I actually hate going in those stores. I am glad that our ***** does not have anenomes and corals. It is kind of sad that we take these fish, inverts, etc. from the ocean and they end up at places like *****.


I live in California and about half of the *****'s around me do not have saltwater fish. I wish all of them would do it.