
HEHE IVE BEEN ASKING ALOT OF QUSTIONS LATELY HEHE BUT THIS 1 DOSNT SEEM TO ME ITS NOT BEING answered lol (gawd d*m this CapS lOcK) i learned alot from u guys but i have a 25 gallon tank i plan on getting clown fish, anomes, live rock live sand AND i am wondering Wat kind of pumps, skimmers and how do i change the water in these SWA? And ty u all for all your suggestions.


okm, Clownfish are very easy fish to keep, as long as you have non toxic water levels and good salinity they will live.
Anemones on the other hadn are very hard to take care of, they ened very stable and mature tanks (7 months about) and need very high lighing, on a 25g PC lighting is sufficient but on a tank larger then a 55g i recomend MH lights.
If i where you i would get 2-3 Maxijet 900 Powerheads (off [Illegal Site Reference] )
and also do alot alot alot of research on a hang on back skimmer, i have never used a HOB skimmer(mang on back) so i have no first hand experience, but never ever skimp on a skimmer, skimmers are the life of SWAs.
but remember DO YOUR RESEARCH, and never buy lights or equipment with researching and asking questions.....


In my room i have a 34g brute tank where i mix fresh RO/di water (i recomend extremely, also an essential) with my salt water and let the water "age" then everyweek i just take out 5g of water and siphon 5g out of the tank and add the other 5g's,
with the agged water i can have water incase of an emergency.


I recomend changing 1/3 of your water. In your case that would be about 6 or 7 gallons of water. IMO the cpr HOT protein skimmer is your best bet. They are a little expensive but well worth it. I use 2 aquaclear 402 power heads in my 55 gallon tank. Just remember to cycle your tank with the live rock first, for about 4 weaks. If you dont you may lose some fish. hope this helps. feel free to email me if you have any questions


Active Member
IMO just 1 maxijet 900 is good. That and the skimmer would be enough. I use a single maxi-900 and a CPR bakpak on my 36 gallon and it is perfect. I'd also recommend you get the CPR bakpak for the skimmer. The maxijet costs about $20-35 depending on where you go. And the CPR bakpak is around $120.
Anemones need very strong lights, IME even 130 watts of power compacts (PC) aren't enough just for a bubble-tip anemone. Be prepared to spend $175+ just for the lighting. If you'd rather not spend that much, you can get some surrogate hosts for the clowns, they sometimes like hairy mushrooms, frogspawns, torch corals, etc. For soft corals and LPS corals you can get 1 or 2 x 65 watt PC lights.