frustration x 10


Hi Folks
I have been cycling my tank for what seems to be an eternity (really 11 weeks). I have a 55gal w/ 45lbs. of LR (which made the tank spike when I first put it in). All of my levels are now one reading off, example Ammonia .25, Nitries .05 and so on. On the advice of you all, I did a 10% water change about a week ago and the levels remained the same. I have a Fluval 404 filter. There is growth on the LR however such as tiny feather dusters. Can someone please give me an idea whats happening and when I can populate.


Have you checked to make sure your test kit is accurate? Maybe take a sample of water to the LFS and have them check it for you.


Ammonia was the only test that I happen to have 2 of and they read the same .25. I'm so puzzled!!!!


Active Member
Is it the same brand of test kit? Some test kits are notorious for inacurate readings on ammonia.
What is your pH, alkalinity and specific gravity?
What sort of circulation do you have, other than the filter?


I did the same thing.
I had an "Amonia" test strip thing.
I got a 5-1 test kit a week later and found the Amonia kit was WAY off the chart.
I just threw it in the can and use the 5-1, and (somehere) i have an amonia kit my LFS gave me for free. I rarely use it since the other tests tell me more of whats going on, but its nite to have to beable to test and alay any suspitouse readings from the 5-1.


The test kit is a different one than the one i usually use. My pH is about 8.2 and my Alkaline is a wee bit low. As for the movement of the water, I have a Aqua Clear 70 (400gpm). Does that give any indication of a problem?