FS: 125 Gal. Acrilic Tank with Everything Included Chicago Area


New Member
Hey Guys,
I'm going to start off by saying that I do not have a clue about fish tanks at all. I purchased my tank from a friend which left the country and had to get rid of it. The only reason I bought the tank is because it seemed like it would be a great addition to my place. I had the tank now for about 3 months and I have a guy which comes in and takes care of the tank. I have spent a lot of money since I got the tank on parts and maintenance and the truth is I cannot be spending that much money on something that I'm not really into.
I have a brand new skimmer, a brand new sump, brand new lights. The old skimmer and sump are also included.
I got the tank estimated without the new parts at around $5,000 with everything including the livestock, liverock, and live sand. I have a few corals and also a bunch of fish in the tank (8 fish to be exact). I also have a janators pack of crabs and snails and of course a few more crabs and snails as well. I have a Star Fish and a few Anenomes.
I wish I could get this guy to write exacly what I have on here and that way it would be much better. I also have a chiller. ARCTICA Chiller I believe.
The only thing this tank needs is to be buffed out from the inside. There are slight scraches which I got a quote for $250 buffed out and looking brand new.
The tank of course is complete it comes with a nice base and canope.
For everything in this tank and everything that comes with it I want to get $2,500 I think that it is really fair.



I live in Schaumburg, about 30mins from the city, and would buy some corals(looks like a candy cane in the middle
) and live rock if you are willing to part out.


Active Member
It's going to be very hard to get that amount for the setup. I'm sorry to say that. Parting it out will most likely give you the best price.