FS: 135g Complete/Running Reef Tank


This is a thriving reef tank, nearly a year running. The tank is very mature and I don't even need to monitor water values any more. I do approximately 20 gallon water changes every 3-4 weeks to keep everything happy. The tank really is thriving, great growth from all of the corals and is set up to be able to support basically anything that you could want. Plenty of lighting, plenty of flow, plenty of space. It is beautiful to look at... probably the best piece of artwork in our house. You can sit and stair at it for hours and constantly find new things that you've never seen before. That is the beauty of salt tanks, it is a true ecosystem. Details are as follows:
Tank dimensions are 72" long x 18" wide x 24" deep.
Stand dimensions are 74" long x 20.5" wide x 40" tall.
All glass tank
Built in overflows, mechanical filtration/floats
1" bulkheads
All plumbing completed with 1" hard piped PVC
3x250 watt 15k Metal Halides
4x96 watt Actinic Power Compacts
12x LED Blue Moonlighting
1200gph main return pump
2x800gph powerheads inside tank
1x1200gph Hydor Koralia inside tank
20g glass aquarium
3x300w automatic, submerged heaters
Octopus NW150 Protein Skimmer (pump recently replaced)
8" fan to assist in keeping water cool
100-150lbs Live Rock
100lbs Live Sand
Maroon Clown
Mandarin Goby
Lawnmower Blenny
Flame Cardinal
Several morphs of Ricordia
Several morphs of Mushrooms
Wood polyps
Red Montipora Cap
Elongated Pulsing Xenias
Another Xenia Breed
Green Capronella
Maze Brain
MANY Zoanthid colonies, some rarer colorations
Leather Coral
Toadstool Leather
Unknown SPS colony
Green Star Polyps
Yellow Polyps
3xBubble Tip Anemone
Feather Dusters
Purple Goniopora
Pink Sea Cucumber
Probably more that I am forgetting...
Cleanup crew:
Many snails (turbo, astrea, nassarius)
Many hermits (mostly blue leg, some scarlet)
5xPeppermint shrimp
Coral Banded Shrimp
Large Brittle Starfish
and many other small critters
This tank can come with many extras if you need them. I have lots of food, chemicals, test kits, pumps, heaters, etc.
Why am I selling? I just bought another house and I intend to do a large in-wall (or room seperator) tank and rather than attempting to make this stuff work, I am just going to start from scratch.
Full tank/stand shot:

Left side tank shot:

Center tank shot:

Right side tank shot:


Tank is located near Indianapolis in Fishers, Indiana. If the tank moves locally, I will assist with reassembly. I have moved this tank before, so I assure you that it can be done. (although it is tedious work ;-) )
This is probably $3k+ in equipment before you even start adding in livestock costs. Live rock alone in this tank is worth around $1000 at retail prices.
Asking: $2000
PM me or e-mail ( hocky #at# indyhpmedia.com)