I have a 24" Current-USA SunPod 130W PC Retro kit for sale, used it about 2 months before I upgrades to MH. I am asking $80 shipped. Also, an Excalibur HOB skimmer rated 100g, it needs a pump and O ring, $65 shipped.
here is the link I get mine new http://www.***********.com/md_viewIt...roduct=CU01603
You can google "Polished Aluminum Reflector" , I am sure you can find it.
If you are interested in the lights, I can $60 shipped since you have to get a reflector.
did you have a hood for them or just use them retro fitted??
would i need to get 2 reflectors like they sell them with or could i use just one large one??
also are there switches on them to turn them off or just power cords??