FS: 46 gal bowfront with mag 350 canister in central FL


I thought I'd post this again. I'll be taking it to the LFS for consignment tomorrow. They've agreed to do that for me since I bought the 65 from them.
I'm throwing in all the extras I got. Overflow kit, glass top, etc. All you need to do is get a return pump if you want to use it with a sump. I don't think the mag 350 would be strong enough to use as a return for this size overflow box.
I'd like $150 obo for everything. I'm in Vero Beach


I am interested! Do you have any pics that you could send me? Im on Orlando I could come and pick it up!


Sorry, I didn't see the reply. I have some pics from when it was set up. I took it to the LFS for them to consign. Give me your email addy and I'll send some pics of it when it was set up.
It's glass. I thought it was acrylic.
It's in very good condition, but not pristine.