FS: Baby Blueleg Hermit Crabs



ClownFiSH11: Earlier in the thread someone mentioned that you had to be a member for 14 days in order to use the PM function. So gimme an email or wait 2 weeks and PM me then. I'll be glad to help you with your CUC.
damien2818: yes, I do. PM sent
Sure. Here are some pics. Enjoy!

^^^ Pisania pusio ^^^ thx pogajoe!



Active Member
first off your the luckiest kid ever, if your a kid lol...where is that, and last wats ur email...i got a few questions you could mby help me with..


Active Member
also wat else besides crabs and snails can u get for me/us..like fish or other inverts...if u cant sell em can u just tell me wat kind of stuff u see there?


Not a kid anymore. Couple of more years and I'll be 30. Send me an email to *********************. Not sure how the spam thing works, but I hate giving my personal email on discussion boards.
I've seen goby's, but it's impossible to grab them with your bare hands. Every time you move a rock, a crab comes crawling out. Not a big fan, so don't expect to place an order of crabs from me anytime soon.

I've seen a couple of fish, but didn't pay too much attention to them since I wasn't planning on taking them. Someone told me there were lobsters, but that you had to go deeper. Good luck with that.
Saw a Brittle Starfish once. First time I had seen one in person. Didn't mess with it. It hid under some rocks immediately.
Another time I saw a strawberry hermit crab. I thought about taking him, but when I grabbed him he let me know it wasn't gonna be pretty, so I let him be. Thing was huge.
Kind of late so maybe I remember more tomorrow.
Good night


Active Member
okay thanks lmk what kind of fish there are, not htat i want u to catch em i just like that kind of stuff..where i go in florida i have a place similar to that and i catch flounder(babies), shrimp, fish, crabs, jellyfish, starfish, etc....and btw where is that hawaii or cali?


Great news!

Clownfish: I think you were too distracted by the pictures and didn't read the whole thread.

The post with the pics of the baby crabs says where I'm from.


Active Member
okay well Puerto Rico nice thats a long way to ship the litte fellasl, but they are tough and will fight through it......
so can you answer my questions form my post before teh good new post of the arrival?


Active Member
okay theres a old guy (around 55-60) sitting on myspace with a fake picture and chat with some other girls WHAT SHOULD I DO??


Like I said, I haven't paid much attention to the fish, but I think that spot is better suited for snails and crabs. I've seen different types of crabs, but again, I don't like crabs that much so I don't mess with them. Plus, they're fast as hell, so the best chance of getting a crab (IMO) would be to take a piece of LR and hope there's one hiding inside.
There are a lot of goby's, and I might take a fish net next time I go and grab a couple.
Send me an email if you want so we don't get this thread off topic.


Active Member
cought_ rapest _cough no im serious then he looked at me funny...then i went for a walk and looked at his screen and he was talking like u wanna meet up nad then they said no and he like put his head down..then like 3min later he got up and lef..


Active Member
you know you could scuba there, and catch wild things, but it would be kinda unsafe if you went alone...i would try it lol...cuz once ur underwater if its more than like 20-30ft deep the waves wont affect you...