FS: Complete running Reef 90g HOUSTON


Hey Guys I have a complete currently running 90g reef tank for sale here in Houston. I'm entering my last year of Engineering at UH and is going crazy with all the work from school. Now I can't take care of my tank any longer and want it have have a good home. I'll post pictures tonight for everyone.This is my setup
2 175w XM 20k metal halides plus two Atintic FL for mor/night light
20 gal ecosystem type with live sand and culupras and spagetti algae filter
About 4in Live sand and 200bl of matured Figi LR
Bubble, Hammer, Purple Red Blue Purple Mushr., Bright Green ricordia, hard corals, Galaxia, Big ass green hairy mushrs, star polyps, and more
blue tang
yellow tang
green damsel
bicolor angel
six line wrasse
huge cleaner shrimp
Rose Anemone
one cpr hang on 24" Refugium
that's all i can think of for now. I putted alot of time, effort, and mostly money into this tank for 4 yrs and dont want it to be mistreated, so now I have to sell it. I'm asking for $1200 o.b.o. Thanks Email me Tomus6@yahoo.com or Tom 832 858 0487


Hey guys I'm trying to post the pics but they are too big and it said the file is not supported. Just email for the pics ok. late