FS: CPR 1400gph Overflow box, paypal only


I have the CPR CS102 overflow box for sale for $50 shipped in the lower 48 states. It is for tanks up to 250 gallons and has a flow rate of 1400 gph. It has (2) 1" bulkheads. The box is in excellent shape with no cracks. It does not come with the foam filters. These can be purchased online. The box itself sells for $99 + s&h new. E-mail me at eugene_neal@lord.com and I will e-mail you my paypal address.


New Member
Hey what about your pump you had posted up last time. I wanted to have a friend do a local pick up for me. Are you for real with what you are selling?:thinking:


The pump has already been sold. I got an e-mail from an individual within an hour of posting the pump and he promised to pay in the next 24hrs which he did. If your interested in the CPR overflow then let me know and I will give you dibs on it and you have 24hrs to make payment before I sell it to the next person. If your local then feel free to stop by as I have several other items going to be sold in the paper. 75 gallon tank, live rock, caulerpra, crushed coral......