I have a Euroreef CS8-2 external model. Needs pump.
dmcrete Member Mar 8, 2007 #2 is this a skimmer iseau ?? if so will it work on a 28 gallon? and how much thanks
pallan Member Mar 8, 2007 #3 just to help him out here alittle yep its a skimmer and I would think it would be way to much of a skimmer for a 28 gallon. IMO
just to help him out here alittle yep its a skimmer and I would think it would be way to much of a skimmer for a 28 gallon. IMO
backcountr Member Mar 9, 2007 #7 any pics i need a hot or ext for a 90 wit 30 sump backcountry@centurytel.net
mkengr45 Member Mar 9, 2007 #8 which Sedra pump does it use? if you have some pics could you send them to randy_si@hotmail.com