

The tank seems to be getting full, lots to look at. I have lots of tiny air bubbles at the minute that I think are coming from my skimmer. I have a power head at the surface to keep the top in motion so it may be introducing air as well. I will unplug each to see which kills the bubbles.
I purchased two anems and now have seven. I do have fish in the tank but they are camera shy I guess.



Well-Known Member

Your tank looks awesome
...but way too many anemones...soon your fish won't be camera shy but lunch. I read someplace on here that nems that split too often are stressed....at any rate I would find a new home for most of them.


Tank looks great, but I agree....too many anemones...you may want to see if you can bring them to your lfs for credit or something


My LFS said they would love to give me credit for them but I haven't found a way to get them out. I tried the credit card approach but was worried I would damage the foot. They like to stay in the flow from my Tunze so I don't think I can chase them with a head. The rock is pretty well interlocked so I would pretty well destroy the arrangement to try to get a rock with several out. I may bite the bullet and take one rock out and see if they would move off in a tank at the LFS. My wife has been pointing this out fairly often. My sixline shoots right through them and my Barberi Clown picks a different one to hang out in each night.
I have 3 two-stripe damsels and the largest of them attacked me last time I put my hand in the tank. Can't hurt but makes you jump like a monkey. Like a sub-miniature ankle-biter with no teeth attacking.
Thanks for the comments!


You guys must have been channeling thoughts as when I got home last night, one of the seven anems was on the glass, easy to remove with a drivers license and off the the LFS I went. I want to sneak up on four more but will have to take my time.
Attached a photo of a new addition, mouth dropping wall hammer coral, 10 inches front to back and 8 inches tall.


An S plus an extra thing on top and one off the front of the S. Fish like to swim into the gaps and then pop out. I twisted it into the gravel to get it as low as possible so it doesn't dominate the tank.


I got one more out today as he made the sojourn across the rocks. Used my drivers license to keep some pressure on the edge of the foot and it worked off, into a cup and off to the LFS. Dropped from 7 to five and two are in the back so I only see three in the front, I think I am ok now for a bit.
I moved a rock with some Xenia that was above the hammer coral as it didn't seem to like something above it so I should be able to leave everyone alone for a while now.
My wife hopes anyway, as I have to move the dining room table every time I go for dip.
Thanks for the comments.


I purchased two anemones with the rock they were each attached to as I had two Barberi Clowns and wanted each of them to have a place to hang out. I thought I had out smarted them and they would stay where I place the rock. It worked for about a month until they got comfortable and started looking for their favorite spot. One Clown was more aggressive and hosted both of them and tormented the more passive clown. I gave the bully to a local high school with a salt tank. Over the course of a year, the two eventually became seven. I have taken two of them out as the opportunity presented itself and now it looks good. Three are out front and two are in the back, subject to change with their tiny minds.
I started with probably a dozen mushrooms of four varieties two years ago and they have propagated quite well. Early on I cut one in half to see if I could grow two, that proved unnecessary, the red mushrooms started with one and now I have about 10, one of which will grow to 6 inches across at mid-day. Before the anemones chased them off the top rock, it was solid mushrooms, they all jumped off as they hate the anemones. When I am in the tank I will gather any loose ones and toss them over to the base of the rocks. I added three hairy mushrooms in the front of the tank a year ago and they have done well also with the largest one growing to 4 inches by mid-day as well.
Thanks for the comments,