Fu Man Chu Lion Fish


I am wondering has anyone had a Fu Man Chu Lion if so how are they and can you get them to eat frozen. Also any and all information would be appericated.


Well-Known Member
Saxmans the man u wanna talk to hopefully he'll show up! I dont believe these lions get very lrg but i could be mistaken, so if their smaller than ya they would prob eat mysis and brine!


Active Member
I was thinking of getting one - but as per Saxman and Cranberry's advise I chose not to. They are very difficult to get to eat frozen. I am going to get a fuzzy dwarf instead. Saxman will chime in he is the expert Check out their site Lion Fish Lair. Some real good information there.


Where is Saxman or Cranberry? They're the Lionfish Experts!!!
I am really considering one. I have heard that they are one of the hardest to train to eat frozen.


I dunno about "experts", but we keep quite a few Scorpaeniformes...

It really depends on the individual fish and the patience of the person doing the weaning as well as the foods being offered. Most questions regarding weaning techniques will be answered in this article http://www.lionfishlair.com/feedingtechniques/toolsofthetrade.shtml
Here are some "quick stats" on D. biocellatus that should give you some basic info: http://www.lionfishlair.com/quickstats/fumanchu.shtml
If you Google "Frank Marini Lionfish", you should get a hit for his excellent lionfish care article. Frank also has a super book called Lionfishes and Other Scorpionfishes
that is full of great info and photos (< $10 on Amazon).
Altho our lionfish article isn't finished yet, our Scorpionfish Care Article would be of interest to you as well: http://www.lionfishlair.com/careguides/careguidescorpionfish.shtml


Thanks a lot of good information I have had a dwarf z and crawlebra a few years ago but got out of hobby now I am going to a bigger tank and more into the hobbyi think the fu man chu would be awesome but I have been told they are harder to care for in feeding and they really don't swim they hop


i have had experience with fumanchu lionfish i still have mine i got him to eat frozen krill with in the first week that i got him he was also very small only like 1.5 mabye 2.0 inches but now hes probably 3 or 3.5. i used ghost shrimp to start off then with a little bit of patience i got him eating krill off of a feeding stick and now he doesnt even need the feeding stick i just throw it in the tank and he will get it. i hope this helps...good luck with yours


Originally Posted by insane96 http:///forum/thread/385463/fu-man-chu-lion-fish#post_3384062
i have had experience with fumanchu lionfish i still have mine i got him to eat frozen krill with in the first week that i got him he was also very small only like 1.5 mabye 2.0 inches but now hes probably 3 or 3.5. i used ghost shrimp to start off then with a little bit of patience i got him eating krill off of a feeding stick and now he doesnt even need the feeding stick i just throw it in the tank and he will get it. i hope this helps...good luck with yours
Hopefully, your lion is getting more than just krill. A diet high in, or exclusively krill has been linked to lockjaw in many predatory species, esp. lionfish. A good, varied diet is the best thing you can do for your lionfish.