Fu Manchu Information Please.


I am going to be getting a fu manchu, any suggestions from our local experts to make the experience a little less risky? Are they easy fed prepared foods? Anything to worry about, anything they are easily susceptible to disease-wise? Are they compatible with dwarf fuzzy lions for future reference? Are they easily picked on by any species. Thanks for your help.


Active Member
They are one of the hardest to convert. You could get lucky and get an easy one, but the odds aren't with you on that one. Yes, they would be compatible with a fuzzy. They aren't picked on by other fish that any other lion wouldn't have to worry about. They tend to be a little shy in the lion department and tend to crawl over surfaces instead of swimming like other lions.


So with feeder fish, would the standard walmart guppies, tetra,.... type fish be good, and is size a factor? or will they just eat what they can fit in there mouths without problems.


Active Member
They eat what they can fit in their mouths but their mouths tend to be a little smaller than other lions. Guppies won't cut it for long term. You'll have to look into gutloaded ghost shrimp.


What exactly is the feeding stick and where can I get the supply's to make it? What is the flexible thing that you have at the tip?


Active Member
Read the "Training to Frozen" guide... it describes it in there. Please let me know if you have any questions after ready it.
But I've also started using a new method that I will get video of soon for the guide. It has worked very well as of late.


Perfect, thank you, that is exactly what I was looking for. Do they get any diseases easily, how about from feeder fish. Should you be real picky with the fish?


Active Member
Make sure the feeder fish look nice. I let them poop out everything when I get them home and keep their tank really clean. Lord knows what they ate while at the shop!