When I move my 29g reef to the 75g that is waiting for the move I am thinking of possibly putting a Fu Manchu Lion fish (Dendrochirus biocellatus) in it. I have no experience with aggressive saltwater fish or lion fish and I am wondering if somebody can fill me in as to whether this will work or not and maybe a possible tank mate or two if possible.
I know that lion fish are very dirty fish when it comes to their eating habits and waste. I also know that it can be a challenge to get them to eat and that they will eat any fish they can fit in their mouths. Also that the Fu Manchu is one of the smallest (if not the smallest) lion fish out there.
Just to clarify I am not planning on adding it to the 75g reef. I would be wanting to put it into the 29g FOWLR. Also is there a cleanup crew that would work with a lion fish? I know they will eat ornamental crustaceans but will they go after snails, hermits, conchs, etc.?
One last question: Would this be a sufficient setup to keep the tank clean enough? 29g tank 1-2" LS, 20ish# LR, Penguin 350 filter, Koralia #1, another PH with the same power as the Koralia, Rio Nano Skimmer (doesn't do a whole lot). I am looking to put minimal cost into it if possible. I know SW in general is expensive but I don't want to deviate too far from the equipment I already have on the 29 now.
Thanks in advance, I am new to Aggressive FOWLR
I know that lion fish are very dirty fish when it comes to their eating habits and waste. I also know that it can be a challenge to get them to eat and that they will eat any fish they can fit in their mouths. Also that the Fu Manchu is one of the smallest (if not the smallest) lion fish out there.
Just to clarify I am not planning on adding it to the 75g reef. I would be wanting to put it into the 29g FOWLR. Also is there a cleanup crew that would work with a lion fish? I know they will eat ornamental crustaceans but will they go after snails, hermits, conchs, etc.?
One last question: Would this be a sufficient setup to keep the tank clean enough? 29g tank 1-2" LS, 20ish# LR, Penguin 350 filter, Koralia #1, another PH with the same power as the Koralia, Rio Nano Skimmer (doesn't do a whole lot). I am looking to put minimal cost into it if possible. I know SW in general is expensive but I don't want to deviate too far from the equipment I already have on the 29 now.
Thanks in advance, I am new to Aggressive FOWLR