Fuge Current


New Member
I set up a mini fuge, only 2.5 gallons. I just realized I have no current for it, is this bad?
If current is necessary, how should I go about it?


Active Member
Your 'fuge has current, because if it's set up like the 'fuges you see here on the board, it has water flowing in from and returning to the display tank.
Otherwise, you simply have a 2.5 gallon rubble rock and macro display tank.


New Member

Originally posted by RobChuck
Otherwise, you simply have a 2.5 gallon rubble rock and macro display tank.

This is what I have. How should I add a small current to it? The smallest HOB filter I've seen would blow the sand everywhere.


I don't think you are explaining your question very well. How can you have a fuge if it is not connected to your main system????? :notsure:


Then it is a tank, not a fuge. The definition of a fuge is a protected volume of water that is connected to your main tank. It provides protection to promote the growth of something that would otherwise not grow or you do not want to grow in your main tank. For example pods or macroalgae.


New Member
LOL, geez. OK, since you don't want me to call it a fuge, my main tank is just like a fuge....
I am doing this becasue...well I don't know :thinking:
All I want to know is how would I add some circulation to such a small tank?