fuge for a 30g cube...


I'm going to be starting up a 30g reef tank in around a month or so and I'm thinking about doing a HOB fuge. Wondering what all equipment would be needed on it exactly, and what I need to stock it with. Also if you have any opinions on size or brand. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.


Here's what I'm shooting for, a lot of it I know won't be in there until a ways down the road.
-brush coral
-plate coral
-feather duster
-hermits, shrimps, snails
-clown fish and maybe a goby
-around 50 lbs of LR and around 3" LS


Active Member
with that small of tank and an HOB fuge u should be fine, but ur going to want a nice size skimmer. like a coralife or somethin all a sump is is a fuge with a skimmer in it pretty much