Fuge for a 50???


Does anyone know where I can buy a hang on fuge for my 50 gal? I am not mechanicaly inclined enough to make my own. And I don't have a sump or over flow. If anyone knows anything about this please refer me to where I can get one. My lfs here is not that big into saltwater fish. 1 coral tank and 5 fish. Supplies are about as scarce.
Do a search on the dry goods section on this site. They likely have one. If this is unsuccessful, try using your search engine and look for "Aquafuge". Also, you can reference any issue of FAMA for your information.
Try here first though...pretty sure they have them! :)


you can try wwwwwwwwwww for their products which include the aquafuge series. But I will tell you if your looking for just something to grow pods in they are OK but if Nitrate removal is your goal your tank is too big for even their largest unit to have any real impact. I have a 50g and tried their large unit and it was great for growing pods but had no effect on trates. I then bought a lifereef overflow and put a 20g sump/fuge underneath my tank and the trates went down to almost 0. Very easy to do even for those of us that are DIY challenged
We're not allowed to post addresses to competitor sites. Against board rules. The most that can be offered is to try the search engines.