Fuge inhabitants


Whats the best critter to keep in a fuge? Something that would clean the top layer of algae off from time to time. Maybe feed off the algae on the live rock (I have 3 peices). Something that wouldnt mind a hunk of chaeto over his head. I was thinking and emerald crab. Any ideas?


Active Member
what algae are you speaking of? if you have some algae on the rocks, when the chaeto blocks the light from above, it will disappear. i'm going to give you advice, but i don't follow it. here it is- you shouldn't have any predatory animals in the refugium. it's supposed to be a place free of predation where the innocent little beasties the rest of the tank use for food, can grow and multiply.
i have all kinds of killer beasts in my refugium...mainly because i don't have anywhere else to put them. i have a large green brittle star, and multiple gorilla crabs.
the gorilla crabs came in on different corals from time to time, and i hate to kill them, so i toss them in there.
i haven't seen a single one since i tossed them in, so maybe they die without sps to feed on?
meanwhile, if i was going to choose something to be in the refugium, it wouldn't be something that eats algae.


i concur with mr. x
there is no need to add a cc to the fuge. you want the algae to grow without anything eating it. this will help keep parameters in check. minimal trimming of the algae when it outgrows the space is all you need to do. if there is something in there eating it then you loose the benefit of what it really does for the dt.


Ok, so all that aside, what is a good hting to put in there with cheato? Id like to know also, so bump.


Active Member
Mine has just the Chaeto and a lost snail or too. It works just fine that way. Just be sure to give the Chaeto good flow. Any odd ball critters that show up either pass way or end up in my sump.