Fuge is pieced together..couple of ?s


Alright,I pieced together my fuge/sump last night. How long should i let it cure for? I used the GE 3 silicone i think... Also, I want to start it off with sucking my nitrates down to zero, how many inches of sand should I put in it? How man mangroves?


Active Member
I use four inches of sand in my fuge with a bunch of macro. I had mangroves in all of my fuges and they swallow up trates and silicate and phos but if you get mangroves chutes with leaves, they are a pain in the a$$. The leaves drop off and rot in the water and release what they took in, a real kill joy.
I have two in my fuges that I have stuck to the side of the fuges with clips so the leaves hang over the outside.
As new leaves grow over the water I pluck them off so they don’t fall in the water.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bmeeder
well i'm looking on a website and the are selling 21 in a pack. Do i really need thatmany?
OMG no, what size tank was again? i had 6 on my 265 gallon tank with macro and my trates were no higher then .5 on a month water change.
How good is your water quality to begin with?
If you do a search you will find that mangrove are a good exporter and have a few cons but they are big cons.
If you search the bay you can find them eve the red mangrove and cheato that all you will need.
A lot of times they sell seed pods in packs to grow out, you want mangrove chutes with roots
cheato is an awsome exporter, check it out.