How does everyone deal with their fuge. Do they leave the light on all the time or do they shut theres off at night. Just wondering because I got my sumpfuge up and running and was wondering what everyone else was doing
It would be better for the system if you have the light on the fuge on only during the night. This would keep the pH levels closer together because the main tank and fuge's lights are on on opposite times.
But you might not want to look into a dark fuge during the day. Your choice.
One of the guys at the LFS told me to keep it on 24/7 that way the plants/algae can do the photosyntesys process and also to maintain the PH levels. At night when the main lights go out the PH drops. Good luck.
I have caulurpa prolifera in my fuge (the kind most will tell you to stay away from) and run my lights 24/7...
I get better growth this way (then when I ran RPD) and have never seen it go sexual and release stored up nutrients back into the tank...