Fuge Light Question


Ok I cant find LOA in my area. I have a 5 gallon fuge Im looking to light. Heres my questions:
1. Can I just get a 18" under counter light and put a plant bulb in it? Can I just set it on top of the tank, will it handle the moisture?
2. Can I get a regular "clip-on" style lamp and put a CF bulb in it
What are my other options?


Active Member
Currently I'm using 2 18"/24" (I forget) under counter grow lights that were at Wal-Mart. They are doing fine but I want more light...

bang guy

OK I've tried this and it works. Modify to fit your environment.
2 gallon white bucket from the dollar store - $1.00
Bulb socket with cord - $5.00 the type with the aluminum reflector
45 watt screw in energy saving lamp bulb - $12 says 200 watts on the package by Lights of America
cut a 2" round hole in the bottom center of the bucket.
remove aluminum reflector from the socket and screw in the bulb.
thread the cord through the hole in the bucket and secure it above the refuge.
Plug it in.