Fuge plants?



I'm hopeing Bang will have something to say (I hear he is the guy to talk about fuge) but any information is greatly apperciated.
I have about an 18 gallon home made Rubbermaid fuge under the tank. Last month I had a prety bad outbreak of what I think was brown cynobacteria. so I began adding a few bits of plants to the fuge to help with phosphates. (im new to this correct me if im doing anything wrong) Long story short..I bought a hand full of what the sales men called Red Graciliaria and a hand full of razor blade Caulerpa I beleive.
Was wondering if either of these are a smart choice for a fuge. and what would work well in there as well. I am wanting some grass and maybe a few manroots. but that is just the looks side i am after. What is a good mix of plants for my fuge.


Many people like Caulerpa, i personaly dont, Caulerpa has the possiblility to do "sexual" this is when the plant releases all of the nutrients it has taken in, back into the water, most of the time causing a crash.
Alot more people use Cheatomorphia, Cheato will not go sexual, and is a bit plain looking. but it does the job, and it does it good.
If you are planing on having your fuge a show tank then use caulerpa, but make sure you can easily disconect the two incase of the plants going sexual.
I used to have many Mangroves in my fuge, but Mangroves take out Magnesium to grow and they can cause it to precipate, they also grow extremely slow in high salinity waters, if you want them because of their looks, then i would set up a Freshwater plant tank or a mini "swamp pot" i have 2 in a "swamp pot" and they are already growing air roots....