fuge question?


how long do you leave the light on for a fuge? should i plug the fuge light into the same timer i got my DT lights pluged into?


I run my fuge lights all day and night to keep the pH steady at around 8.2. Most people run theirs 24/7 or when the main tank lights are off (at night).


Active Member
it would effect it cause when your DT lights go off the pH in the tank does lower. so by having the sump light on counters this. as for your question. a sump light is only for a fuge. so by havin a light you must have some sort of macro algea. so to answer your question. if the macro is cheato i would run opposite of your DT. any other macro i would run 24/7. if you go 24/7 then make sure you have good ventilation cause if you dont you will evap alot of water that way.


ok, well all i got in my fuge is LS and LR(my tank is 2 years old but the lighting for my fuge just never seem to work out but now it is set up again) should i put some type of algae in there to get algae growing in there or will this occur naturally?


Originally Posted by ANTHONY17
ok, well all i got in my fuge is LS and LR(my tank is 2 years old but the lighting for my fuge just never seem to work out but now it is set up again) should i put some type of algae in there to get algae growing in there or will this occur naturally?
you need to add a macro algae. they don't just grow from pretty much nothing like hair algae does. chaeto looks like a bunch of thick green pubes. it doesn't grow on anything, just kinda floats around in the fuge water.


Here is a list of some different macro algaes you can get.
Chaeto (Most people use this one)
You will want to go to your LFS and buy some. Or you could look in the classifieds section in these forums and find someone selling them. These macro algaes previous posters have referred to look more like bigger green plants. The key part is they are really like a plant. Not like the small algaes that grown in your tank. Hope this helps.


whats exectly is the purpose of putting these in your fuge? and what do you do with them? dont you clean your fuge? my LFS told me you would just pull out the algae to keep it clean? does that make sense? im just kinda lost with the whole fuge thing


you're still thinking marcos for your fuge are the same as the ones in you tank. the ones in your tank are nuisance. the macros you put in your fuge are larger and more like a plant per say. some with stem-leaf and all. the point of them is to absorb extra nutrients that are in your water that the ugly nuisance algaes use to grow, thus stopping their growth. you harvest (clip off part) the marco algae every once and a while to permanently take the extra nutrients out of your system. they also help add oxygenate the water.