Fuge Question


Active Member
I'm getting the final plumbing done for my 55 gallon fuge. It's going underneath my 240, I've T'd off the overflow line to dump some of the tank water directly into the 55. I have a couple of different pumps that I could use for the return from the fuge to the sump, a 1200 maxijet, 900 maxijet, 600 maxijet, and 802 hagen. Wich should I choose? I'm thinking the 802 might be to much flow. I have a ball valve on the line coming into the fuge, so I can adjust the flow rate coming from the tank.


Active Member
There's got to be a better way to do this. I used the maxijet 600 to pump the water from the fuge to the sump, and I'm having a hard time getting the flow adjusted properly. The overflow either puts to much into the fuge, or not enough. I've been trying to adjust the flow all day. Is there a better way to get the water from the fuge to the sump? I'll attach a pic of the setup to see if anyone has any better ideas. The PVC is the overflow from the main tank, and at the right side of the pic I have the maxijet 600 that I'm using to pump water over to the sump.


Wheres the sump, beside it? Most people recommend elevating the fuge and drill it on the side to have it gravity drain over to the sump.

bang guy


Originally posted by StacyT
Is there a better way to get the water from the fuge to the sump?

Gravity is the absolute best way. Either via overflows or just a siphon. If you go the siphon route make sure the top of the sump is even with the refugium.


Active Member
The sump is about 18" from the fuge. The sump sits a little lower than the fuge. I may try to get an overflow this week, and see if I can get that to work.


Stacy, I did mine with an overflow and it is"T" off of the overflow from the main tank. No extra pumps here just the main return.
good luck


Active Member
I'm going to try an overflow box. Should be in later this week. I'm just not sure how well it's going to work. The box will hang down lower than the sump, and the overflow line will have to go back up to get to the sump. .357 your setup looks really nice.


Stacy, can you get your fuge up on something? Overflows won't work up hill. You will have to rasie the fuge up a few inches. It looks like cinderblocks and 2x6's would do it. good luck


Active Member
Actually what I might do is drill a hole in the sump to attach the line from the overflow. That would be easier than trying to raise the fuge up. I'll figure something out. Right now I got the power head, adjusted to keep up with the overflow, and all seems to be going well. It's been running for 3 days now, and the water level has stayed consistant in the fuge, and the sump.