'fuge suggestions


I have a 90 with an Amiracle external overflow and wet-dry. My pump is internal. I have 10 gal aquarium as a 'fuge connected with an equilization tube and want to plumb it into the system. The wet dry has a bulk head for an external pump. I like that I can see inside the 'fuge, but should I dump the aquarium and get a rubbermaid with a bulkhead? Any other options like drilling the ten gal? Any help is appreciated.
I tried to drill a 10gal wal-mart tank. Bought a glass hole saw. Should have used a hammer. After I swept the floor, I siliconed a peice of acrylic as the replacement end panel with a hole cut toaccept rigid piping for the drain. It worked swell. Prior to that I had arubbermaid, but replaced it with something I could see throught, cuz all of the stuff going on in ther was too much to miss. I now have 2 watt / gall lighting in the fuge and enjoy it as much as the display. If you are handy, make one out of plexiglass with all the bulkheads and overflows you want, custom fitting your stand.


Thats what I thought about the ten gal. I am pretty handy, but was trying to find an easier way than to build and be able to see inside still. Thanks. Anyone else?


I purchased my 10 gal from walmart and bought a holesaw online. I drilled the side with a drill press with no problem. It took less than 2 minutes.