

New Member
with a fuge setup do I need a wet/dry filter I have notice some of you use a wet/dry filter and some don't what the reason?:confused: :help:


Active Member
a lot of established live rock, (1.25 to 2 lbs per gallon), serves the same purpose as a wet/dry filter: biological filtration. if you've got a heavy bio-load, (lots of fish or messy eaters), a wet/dry filter definetly wouldn't hurt, especially in conjunction with a protein skimmer. the skimmer will remove a lot of the doc's, (dissolved organic compounds), from the water before the wet/dry has a chance to convert them. a fuge serves a different purpose, your plantlife will remove things such as nitrates from the water, and if you use a dsb in your fuge this will also help to complete the nitrogen process. wet/dry's convert ammonia to nitrite to nitrate. HTH


New Member
thanks for clearing that up for me. I have about 100lbs of live rock in my 54 conner tank now and only 4 small fish. my problem is red slime I have tried all the things told to me on this site with some success but it tends to come back. Do you think using ocean water for my water change might have anything to do with it? I store my water in the dark for about 3-4 days before I use it.