

O.k. You guys all seem pretty sharp, so here it goes, What is a fuge? Why is it needed and where do you put it? Thanks, I have used deductive reasoning to figure out all the other abbreviations that are used here but need someone to teach me about fuges before i get my 92 corner. Thanks and interesting reading here!


Active Member
Fuge is short for refugium. It's a tank that usually goes under your main tank, people use them to put macroalgae in for nutrient export. They also put their skimmers and heaters in there. It also adds to your total water volume for added stability.

My Sump/Fuge


Active Member
The glass box was 100 bucks. (29 gallon AGA, with custom baffles cut and glued for me.) The return pump was maybe 160 and the skimmer 250. Maybe 25 bucks worth of sand and rubble and another 50 for the shoplight and fans and stuff.


Thanks Wax. I thought thats what it was but wanted to be sure. I saw a very similiar setup under some of the display tanks at the LFS. Its a great LFS and I am sure they can set me up with something like it. Better to ask a obvious question than be sorry later. As my Granpa always said "Thers no such thing as a stupid question, just stupid people that dont ask them before being wrong" Just doing a ton of research before I order my 92 corner setup.


sweet not to bad i just paid about 200 for my set up only 10gal though. Im still waiting for it to come in the mail. what type of light should i put on it?


So would I be fairly correct in saying that it is basically an efficient way of filtration that will remove the nutrients out of the water? It then is a safe place for all the good stuff (organisms) to reproduce and live happily ever after?