full diet for two perc and flasher wrasse


Well good news! I've finally gotten my fish to eat without makin too much waste. I didnt think they would ever eat all their food! But now they aren't picky about the flakes and Formula One. They eat whatever goes in the tank. So what else should I be feeding them? The percs eat Vibra Grow pellets, Formula One frozen, and Prime Reef Flakes. The wrasse eats the frozen and flakes. I'm pretty sure the Wrasse needs more than this, so would do yall recomend to get them a full, nutritious, diet? Thanks!


I just looked at ur topic rember they have small stomachs and over feeding the fish will die trust me thats what happend to my goldfish when i was 5 :rolleyes: but i am not sure. SOme body help this guy out lol


popcorny, i dont think you've read my post from a week ago or so. i was havin trouble gettin them to eat what i was feeding them. they would eat certain flakes, but others they would spit out in pieces too small for me to get out, so it would just become detritus. same with the frozen food. by no means am i overfeeding them. i've had freshwater fish since i was 10. i know not to overfeed. i just need to know what foods to feed them to complete their diet


I have a carpenter flasher wrasse and I feed him pellets and he loves bay scallops soaked in garlic. The rest of my fish eat the same and once in awhile I give them spirulina flakes.HTH