Full-Size angel for a 180?



are there any full-size angels that could exist in a 180? if so, what would you guys reccommend?


thanks. i though that most should be alright. i've just never looked into large angels before since i only have a 90.


there isn't any that you can't put in a 180 but there are some that might be a little snug once full grown if they live that long such as the queen angel.


Active Member
In a 90, you could keep a flagfin, majestic, or regal, or any of the "smaller" large angels, but in a 180, you can keep any of them, except for the Grey, French, Queen, Rock Beauty, etc that get huge. Those would be far too cramped in a 180, full grown. They'd need somewhere in the 500 gallon range, depending on dimensions.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Emperor11
In a 90, you could keep a flagfin, majestic, or regal, or any of the "smaller" large angels, but in a 180, you can keep any of them, except for the Grey, French, Queen, Rock Beauty, etc that get huge. Those would be far too cramped in a 180, full grown. They'd need somewhere in the 500 gallon range, depending on dimensions.

You can seriously keep a regal in a 90? Are they reef safe?


A Red sea Regal would do great in a 90, IMO.
Flagfin angels are rather nice to look at and if you get one from a reputable source, preferably online, they can do well with alot of live rock and a varied diet including some angel prepartions with sponge. My flagfin and Regal eat out of my hand.


thanks guys. i don't want one for my 90. i don't think that would be enough room. a tank i'm taking care of needs some good lookin' fish in it. its pretty bare right now.