Full tank or too much?


shark bait

Solid point but it has been done and they are not from the same sub class and it may be a great active fish. If you wish to pass on the idea try goat fish yellow if you can, fun fish.


I don't know how the Tusk/Lunar would be, but I'm on my second Tusk (first one committed suicide), and neither is/was aggressive.


Active Member
I keep a blue jaw trigger with my volitan without issues, very passive. I have a similar stock list in my 220.
volitan lion
tomato clown
aussie tusk
green wolf eel
yellow tang
orange toadfish
paddlefin wrasse
blue jaw trigger


Active Member
I think a Niger would be just right for the tank....Of all triggers that I have seen the Niger seemed to be one of the more docile..

ric maniac

Active Member
the inch per gallong rule is obsurde. it doesnt take into account the bio load or the swimming room they need. think about, if you had a 4 inch tang that would mean you only need 25 gallons, which we all know is horrible. tangs need at least 6 ft of swimming room. other fish have specific space requirements as well. so the inch per gallon rule is not the best way to measure. but as for the fish in that tank it sounds awsome!
¨'*-.Dirk Braughton.-*’¨


New Member
How about a Spotted Sweetlips? I'm new to the hobby, but I seen one in a fs,and it was a very handsome fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clinker
How about a Spotted Sweetlips? I'm new to the hobby, but I seen one in a fs,and it was a very handsome fish.

As far as I know those get huge (longer than 2 feet) and are very difficult to keep in the home aquarium. I believe it is listed as an "expert only" fish.
On another note:
The inch per 2 gallon "rule" is not a rule, or a law, by any means. It is a guideline for the novices of the hobby so that they can keep fish in a tank without overcrowding it. Of course there will be exceptions to this guideline (A moorish Idol would be another) but that doesnt mean that the rule is crap because there is a few fish that dont fit the mold. A puffer (used as an example above) is another example of something that doesnt follow the mold. They are very messy and carry a huge bio-load and would not follow the inch per 2 gallon rule. Its a guideline, not always the perfect ways to go about things.


New Member
I have a 65 gallon tank with a maroon clown and a recently bought jewell puffer, they seem fine but for how long? The wrasse in the tank seems fine, i am looking into buying a small (juvenile) lion fish, is this ok? I heard that maroon clowns are very territorial and can hold there own. Does anyone have any suggestions on suitable tank mates for my tank?


Originally Posted by dreadedsky
I have a 65 gallon tank with a maroon clown and a recently bought jewell puffer, they seem fine but for how long? The wrasse in the tank seems fine, i am looking into buying a small (juvenile) lion fish, is this ok? I heard that maroon clowns are very territorial and can hold there own. Does anyone have any suggestions on suitable tank mates for my tank?
You should start your own thread you'll get more replies.


Active Member
OK, I have the Blond Naso (last big fish) in QT right now. So here is how it looks right now.
Volitan Lionfish
Snowflake Moray
Yellow Tang
Aust Harlequin Tusk
Queen Angel
Large Maroon Clownfish
Blond Naso Tang (QT)
Brazilian Golden Moray
Think I will add 1-2 small/med fish for dither/activity.
Here are my thoughts/possibles:
Another Large Maroon Clown - Bad Idea/fights risk?
Large Flame Angel - Will it get eaten?
Large 4 stripe Damsel - Will it get eaten?
Threadfin Butterfly - May not be able to compete for food, but just thinking.
That should do it for my stock list. Thoughts / Recommendations?