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Originally Posted by dstoneburg
Why are your fish not in the same category as your dog? I mean they are very different pets but both should be held in the same regard. While you cannot cuddle with a lionfish, I highly doubt your dog has the ability to breathe under water? Or a natural defense such as poisen? Or have the beauty of a remarkable animal that lives under water? While they are very different animals, they are both "great" in their own ways, as they should be treated the same.
IMO; because dogs are higher on the "evolutionary ladder", they exhibit true emotions, not just learned behavior, dogs are not eaten in our culture. Our Country's Laws reflect this difference. I think being at the top of the so-called food chain has its perks. BTW, while I still respect your opinion; do you show the same concern for insects and spiders? How about the fish that are captured by the millions and suffocate under the weight, stench, and heat of their fellow species, in Gulf of Mexico menhaden boats; just to be made into fish meal, a main ingredient in many fish foods and a protein source in 3rd world countries? Have you ever seen how tuna, a beautiful fish, are caught? Is the value of a fish's life dependent on its beauty? I don't advocate putting a Clown Trigger in a 10 gal,or "Nemo" in a goldfish bowl; but I don't believe I can TELL anyone what to do (within reason) because; I'm passing moral judgment on someone else's values. Re: this specific thread, I think a clown trigger in a 90 gal, well maintained tank will undoubtedly outlive his wild counterpart.


I do think this will go on forever as we have different views. I would just like to strongly encourage the OP to do his research. Even read the threads that I made and see the reply's people made. These animals require a larger tank then you have to give them, so please consider some that would strive in the enviorment you have to offer.