Fun Fish


After much research..(thanks to all here who helped answer my foolish newbie questions!)
I am going with peaceful fish for my 55gal tank. I really did love the porcupine puffer, with their cute eyes and expressions, but have decided against the aggresive tank. Are there any peaceful fish that have good personalities that we will enjoy watching??? I only have some snails and hermits in the tank now. I really want some Fun Fish
:jumping: that don't hide in the rocks...any suggestions??


lawnmower blenny....kinda ugly in a cute sort of way I guess but they have so much mine eats algae its a win win


fire fish great little personalities fun to watch
several diffrent variities of these i believe actually called dart fish, red ones are relativly cheap and very hardy ,purple are more expensive but very beautiful youll love them


Originally Posted by LJRoman85
dont forget the ones that coast anywhere from 125-255 the Helfrich’s Firefish pretty and expensive
yes and its a beautiful little fish tho isnt it. LOL
i really want one but there is no way i can afford that for a small fish


I like the lawnmower blennies. But my tank has just finished cycling and there is no algae. I read that they will starve if there is not enough algae for them to eat. Should I wait a while before getting one? Also, aren't Angel fishes difficult (especially for a beginner?). Are the fairy wrasses fun?? or are they difficult to keep??


with my lawnmower blenny he eats pellets that fall on the ground and on the rocks so I guess mines big and FAT.


Originally Posted by Deny
I like the lawnmower blennies. But my tank has just finished cycling and there is no algae. I read that they will starve if there is not enough algae for them to eat. Should I wait a while before getting one? Also, aren't Angel fishes difficult (especially for a beginner?). Are the fairy wrasses fun?? or are they difficult to keep??
IMO yes angels are hard to keep for a beginner they are my nemisis and i dont know if ill ever get another. Great looking fish group but so much harder to keep ive killed several with no hint on some as to why.
Im resigned to think a more mature system was needed than i had at the time maybe some day ill try another but for now i'll wait


I think Hawk fish are really neat. Hop around on all the rocks and are pretty interactive(at least mine is) also. Lots of personality in a little fish!! :jumping:


Yes, we were playing with a scarlett Hawkfish in the LFS but was told they can be very aggresive. My husband was bummed as he really liked this fish. Are coral hoppers in this family? I heard they are peaceful...