FUN THREAD- Most asked questions


Active Member
So in the salt water fish hobby, myself like many other salt water hobbiests always talk to people and show off their tanks. (pics, online, etc.)
What are those most common questions that people have asked you about your tanks ?


Active Member
Mine is- "Do you have one of those sucker fish?"
haha no matter who i talk to, it seems to be the most commonly asked question! people dont realize we have way more cooler fish than fresh water sucker fish (plecostymus)


What did that cost?
I sincerely HATE that question. I don't like anyone to know what I pay for anything. That is my business. It is the first thing asked though. Especially if someone notices something new.


when people that dont know alot about sw fish they always ask "Why do you have that empty tank sitting over there in the corner?, What's going into it?"
of course they are talking about the Qt but i always answer i like wasting space and money on electricity, since they never understand what i mean about kepping the fish away from the rest of your fish so they dont die.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
What did that cost?
I sincerely HATE that question. I don't like anyone to know what I pay for anything. That is my business. It is the first thing asked though. Especially if someone notices something new.
That's mine too!!! I also hate: "Isn't that a lot of work?" What do they care how much work I put into my tank? It's my hobby, not their's. It's the first thing everyone says..."Isn't that expensive?" and "Isn't that a lot of work?"


Originally Posted by sepulatian
What did that cost?
I sincerely HATE that question. I don't like anyone to know what I pay for anything. That is my business. It is the first thing asked though. Especially if someone notices something new.
Just cause then they would know how crazy we really are


Active Member
ughh i hate when family ask these questions since i only have 2 fish in my 2 tanks
1. Why dont u have any fish?
2. What are those plants?
3. What do you mean fraggin time?
4. Those plants grow?
and it could go on...


why did the fish die?
why is there so much algae?
coral is differnt than rock?


Originally Posted by markeo99
Just cause then they would know how crazy we really are

HAHA, they all already know that about me. Yet, I am the first one called to be the "fish doctor" when something happens with their fresh water tanks.
I get the nonsense about the empty Qt's as well. One now has clowns in it that are growing, but it was just two empty tanks.


Active Member
Where's "Nemo".....oh, there he is. What about "Dori"....oh, there.
Got any sharks in there? Why not dude...that would be cool?


Active Member
Can you keep Flounder in there?
My usual response....Sure, I have the Flounder tank downstairs right next to the rabbit and chicken tanks.


Originally Posted by T316
Where's "Nemo".....oh, there he is. What about "Dori"....oh, there.
Got any sharks in there? Why not dude...that would be cool?

I have like five sharks in my 55, you don't? What's up with you?

I don't get the recommendations because I am the only one that I know, besides my friends not around here, that have a salt tank or three.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oneradtek
haha don't ya love it!!

Originally Posted by sepulatian

I have like five sharks in my 55, you don't? What's up with you?

I don't get the recommendations because I am the only one that I know, besides my friends not around here, that have a salt tank or three.
I wouldn't mind a shark, but it would limit all the other goodies that I have. But I guess it's one of the first things to hit people's minds (mainly guys) when they see a sw tank.


Why do you have so many tanks? You have one in each room of the house.


Active Member
My Co-worker Dan.....
"Can you put a shark in there?.....And can we feed Jimmy to the shark when the shark gets big enough?"
Nobody likes Jimmy.
I also have a picture of my Harlequin Tusk on my desktop at work....I thought Roy (co-worker) was gonna pass out when I told him how much he cost.
Roy now thinks i'm nuts.


Active Member
Q, Each one of those colorful things is a coral? I never knew there were so many different types.
A, Yep, there are tons more that I do not have, but everything in there except the fish and that red inflated thing, with the tentacles, (aka RBTA) is a coral.
Q, ohhhhh and what is that red thing?
A, its an anemone, a rose bubble tip.
Q, ohhh thats why your 2 nemos are in it how cool/cute, (insert gender appropriate word.)
I cant tell you how many times that exact conversation has taken place.