FUN THREAD- Most asked questions


all of the above have been ask to me and then out of the blue" How would it cost me to have one like that?" LOL


New Member
Isn't coral just a type of rock?

What is so exciting about watching fish swim around?
Isn't that hobby really expensive?


"why dont you get a seahorse"
"becuase they are hard to take care of and require a specific enviroment"
"but its just salt water right"
"yes, but sea hourses require a low flow enviroment and get sick very easily, what they like isnt necesarily what the rest of my fish and stuff like"
"oh. well you should get a sea horse"
i've had this exact conversation with 4 different girls ive shown the tank too.


Active Member
"why don't you get one of those HUGE fish like a shark..dude that would be soo sweet"
^get that almost everyday from my friends
Buy more fish!
"whats fragging"?
"the algae is fine"
ugh and so many more...just a few that make me pretty mad or just make me laugh


New Member
Q: Do you enjoy taking care of it? I usually reply with "not really I just spend 6 grand on something here and there that takes a lot of work and time just to piss off my wife."


The most common questions I get asked.............
Wow, don't saltwaters tanks cost alot?
Aren't saltwater fish really delicate?
Last but not least, why are you so obsessed with fish? It drives me nuts.


" hey can we go buy a lobster from publix and put it in there"
my best freidn asked that and he was 100% serious


"Hermit crabs live under water?!"
"those plants are so colorful!"
"you have crabs?" <- that one is a weird one to answer.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hookitbig
Q: Do you enjoy taking care of it? I usually reply with "not really I just spend 6 grand on something here and there that takes a lot of work and time just to piss off my wife."
HAHAHA!!! That cracks me up the most. When I had a blue lobster in my freshwater tank, my husband almost killed me because I spent $24 on the darn thing. My LFS failed to mention it would eat ALL of my other fish
. But long story short....I wonder what he would think about me spending $2500 on just the set up of the tank?? HAHAHA. I think I will tell him. (Now you all know why we are divorced!!!


When I got back into SW last year,I set up a 55Gal. W/LS,LR,salt,T-5's,etc.going through cycle,a co worker came by one evening after work,wanted to see my tank and what I had in it! Asked why I don't have anything in it And how much I have in it! I said the tank is going through it's cycle,and there's about $1000.00 sitting there already!He looked at me and said you have a $1000.00 in glass,water,sand,and rock? Then he left and hasn't came back by and visited since.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
What did that cost?
I sincerely HATE that question. I don't like anyone to know what I pay for anything. That is my business. It is the first thing asked though. Especially if someone notices something new.
that is always what everyone ask me... How much was that?
Q:Why do you have a hospital tank?
A: If a fish gets sick, you can treat it with medicines in the smaller tank. It also prevents the other fish from getting it. You don't want to lose your fish to one outbreak.
Q: Why treat it with medicine? It's just a fish. If it dies just get a new one.
A: This fish cost $50.
Q: Why would you pay $50 for a fish!
Isn't it a pain to clean the tank all the time.
From my kids at the beginning before they learned...
KIDS: can I feed the fish.
ME: Sure but show me how much you are putting in before you do
KID: How about this?
ME: NO, half of that
KID: What about this?
ME: NO, still half of that
KID: What about this?
ME: Yeah, that is good
KID: Puzzled look


Active Member
everytime my family comes over.
Kenny do you have fish yet?
Why dont you have any D a m fish yet??! How long have we been waiting
everytime they are there.. never fails, some of them get it but most dont
How muh did that cost?
Why would you pay that much for rock?


Active Member
The one that bothers me the most is my dad not knowing that coral is its own organism and now just part of rock. He always asks "so that live rock will grow coral right?"
I try to explain but he doesnt get it for some reason. lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by oneradtek
Mine is- "Do you have one of those sucker fish?"
haha no matter who i talk to, it seems to be the most commonly asked question! people dont realize we have way more cooler fish than fresh water sucker fish (plecostymus)

I find that hilarious. People really have no clue. They get fish, you get water, you get food, done. By the way, I know you probably aren't exactly the freshwater buff, but it is plecostomus.
I get asked questions like why do you need all that equipment...why don't you just get a really good filter? People always seem to think that I get ripped off, OH, you bought a pile of rocks for 6 bucks a pound! That lighting costs 250? Why are you buying water for 37 cents a gallon, it's just water!


The most asked question for me is that
Q-Why do you have that undulated trigger in their by its self?
A-because it is really aggresive and will kill anything I put in there.
Q-Soo, Why dont you just put something else in the tank that is aggresive?
I probably got asked that over 100 times