fun vacation, not fun when i came home


so i went on a 3 day vacation... and when i came back my colt coral, fragspawn, and my flower pot corals all were dead.. what a way to come home from a vacation and see your tank when you first walk into your house... i checked my water parameters and everything was fine except for my nitrates. it was very high.. so i then did a big water change... i took out the colt because it didnt look like it would come back.. i can see inside the frogspawn and i can still see a little color so i left it to see if it would come back.. bye the way i came home on sunday and it is now tuesday... my flower pot on sunday looked fine because it still had bright colors.. but now tuesday when the lights came on it has a dull look and it looks like the green is starting to peel away... my kenya tree and green star polyps came back thank god.. but it doesnt look like the frogspawn is going too.. what should i do.. about the frogspawn and the flower pot.. should i take them out or leave them and try something.. i've spot feed them ever since sunday but it doesnt seem to do anything.. :help:


Active Member
I would just ensure good water quality and leave them in there.
Why were your nitrates so high? Did you have someone feeding the tank for you?


i didnt have anyone feeding them.. on friday before i left i fed the fish and the coral.. and before i left i checked my water qaulity and it was fine.. oh and i forgot to mention that my cleaner shrimp died too.. i was think that the water temp got too high.. because before my water temp got high and my shrimp died.. but i still dont know about the corals???


Active Member
I see that you have a 20gal tank. Is this the tank that the coral is in? Could possibly be from a huge build-up of dissolved organic wastes......since the nitrates were so high. Do you have a skimmer in this tank? With this many corals in a 20g they probably waged war on each other. Flower pot corals are extremely hard to keep alive, even for the most experienced. I would suggest that you do another water change, maybe only 5% tommorrow, as to not shock the tank. Frogspawn corals are pretty hardy so wait a while before dumping this one. Do you have another tank in which you can transfer the frogspawn to? If the flowerpot is melting down, remove it before the rest are affected. Good Luck!!


actually i havent changed my profile.. i have 24 g aquapod... the flower pot was doing good before i left.. and yeah it looks like it is melting so i guess i'm going to take it out.. i feel real bad that i was not here for them.. maybe i could have done something to prevent it.. thanks anything would be great..


same thing happened to me when i went away for a week. I set the AC a little higher to save some money and the tank got about 5-10 degrees hotter than it should have been. Keep a close eye on that temp.


Active Member
Also with a small tank, did you have anyone put in top off water cause if it got hotter than usual ,not only would the temp be a problem but the salentitiy maybe got too high also :scared: hotter temp= more evaporation.Sorry for your loss