Fungia Plate


Active Member
Sing to the tune of Runaround Sue by Dion
Here's my story, its sad but true
It's about a fungia that I once knew
She took my love then ate her down
And now I wear a big sad frown
Yeah I should have known it from the very start
This plate would leave me with a broken heart
So listen fishys while I cry and hate
Keep away from the fungia plate.
Hey hey
Um de ay de ay
Hey hey
Um de ay de ay
Hey hey
Um de ay de ay
Sung by Spanko and the remaining neon goby.
Grabbed during feeding the tank.

The sad remnant, a puffed up plate and a sad significant other.

R.I.P. little goby friend!!


Originally Posted by spanko
Hmmmm...........Hikari - SanFrancisco - PE oh the choices make my brain hurt!!!!!!!!!!

For corals with a mouth that big...PE Mysis.

Did that neon have ich or was that just the looks from the pic?? I wanna get a fungia. Been looking for "that perfect one" for a while now...


Active Member
No Ich. You know how when a fish dies its color start to fade. Well that is what you are seeing here along with the spots where it was stung by the plate.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by spanko
No Ich. You know how when a fish dies its color start to fade. Well that is what you are seeing here along with the spots where it was stung by the plate.

It was a kinder death than what my poor fish suffered at the grasp of my LTA. When I pulled my copper banded butterfly from its cruel clinches the poor fish had red raised whelps were it was stung. His eyes all bugged out, it must have really hurt to die like that.
No more pretty fish eaters/killers for my tank.