Fungus on a baby angel


jackie dh

I have a Blue Face thats about two inches long who has turned up with a really tiny bit of fungus on his side, he is very active and eating well but I am worried about it spreading. He is in a 120 full of live rock and theres no way I can get him out to QT him, is there any thing that I can do to help him while still in the main tank? Any foods or meds that I can safely dose the 120 with that won't hurt my CC and cleaner shrimp who doesn't seem be doing his job right now. :(

jackie dh

Most of the pictures are either blocked (I'm at work) or removed, the few that I did find looked more like lumps, this look "furry" for lack of a better work, it's a tiny pin head sized thing that looks like fur more that a lump.

jackie dh

I hope that's the problem, it seems like it's pretty benign and will go away on it's own. This really does look like a true fungus to me, but I have been wrong before. :p

jackie dh

After looking at more pictures I don't think that's the problem, it looks more like fine white hair than the cottony Lympho.


You know what my clown is the same way right now, its only on the left side of his body and its white. LOL almost like herpies

jackie dh

The little bugger won't stay still long enough to get a picture, he is quick! I put my glasses on and got a better look today, it isn't as fuzzy as I thought, it is more cottony. So if this is Lympho is there any thing that I can do to help support his health until it clears? He gets formula 1 and 2 frozen, formula 1 pellets, green algae sheets and enriched brine. The water is quality is good and most of his tank mates are easy going. I did see my female maroon go after him once, but he is quicker that she is. Funny, the clowns had been really mild for the last few months, they must be spawning again to be this territorial all the sudden.


Read post #16 and follow the directions
could just be the new surroundings. and she is a little stressed. and the clown isn't helping matters. lots of sea veggies with garlic, you can never have enough cleaner shrimp. i would keep a half dozen in that big tank. then they would have a couple cleaning stations. she may be to nervous to venture across the tank to get cleaned. PLEASE DON'T DRUG YOUR TANK.

jackie dh

Dang. It's spreading to his pectoral fin, not a whole lot but I was hoping to see it going away by now. :( Other than the Lympho he seems to be fine, eating and zooming around like always. He had a chunk missing from his tale but that has healed and no one seems to be bothering him any more, I guess he learned to avoid the Maroon clown's area.

jackie dh

He is much better, on a tiny spot remains. It went quick so I guess that my cleaner shrimp finally did his job. :)