Fungus treatment?

I have a clown that developed a white cotton looking sore on its mouth. In the last two weeks I have been watching him, the clown has been eating well and swimming activly.
I went to a new LFS, (come to believe that my old one was going to sell me anything). They said it might be a fungus or an infection.
They Reommended a few different medications, but they suggested if the fish is eating and seems healthly to just let it be.
I'm kind of leaning towards this advise, but I would like to hear some more input.


Active Member
Can you maybe post a picture of what this growth looks like? That way, we will have a better idea what it is and we can diagnose it properly.


Staff member
I think its lymphocyctis. What are your water readings? And what and how often are you feeding your fish?
I feed them twice a day mixing it up between flake food, food designed for clowns and a frozen food containing mostly brime shrimp,
Water Conditions are as follows
PH 8.2
temp 24C
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 5.0
calc 500
phrosphate .5
SG 1.0214