funny fish story


Just thought you someone might get a chuckle out of this. Earlier this week I came back from holdiay only to find that my tank has developed a very bad case of itch. My folks has been looking after the tank and hadn't noticed that anything was amiss aside from my tang being an "odd colour".
Well within the last three days I have lost my white cheek tang, 2 sleeper gobies, royal dottyback and blue chin trigger. The comet grouper, damsel and flame hawk were all alive and well. I seperated the LR and the fish and put the tank into hypo and added some copper to save the few I have left.
The funny part is that in the process of removing rock from the tank my sixline vanished. I hunted for it all over the tank to no avil and then thismorning I find it swimming around happy as a lark with the rock! I am storing the rock in a big plastic tub in the bathtub with a filter and heater coz my other tank simply cannot hold that amount of rock. Needless to say it was quickly caught and put in for treatmenet although it looks healthy. I just found it amazing because when I was moving the rock I had it out of water for a good ten minutes! i just can't get over the fact that it managed to hide in the rock and survive for that long without being in water!


Active Member
Wow - sorry for your losses.
Alas... there would be no beauty without contrasting ugliness - it's wonderful that your wrasse brought a bit of miracle to the tragedy!
Best wishes on your fresh start - our hearts go out to you! (and your fish)


Now comes the fun of restocking.... There is an undulate for sale at the local LFS.. Im ao tempted to get it. Realistically could you keep an undulate with a damsel, flame hawk and comet grouper>


Active Member
You could. But I've heard that almost all undulated outgrow a tank in aggresiveness. I have one now in my 75 and its amazing for the first year I had him, he was real shy and would just zoom out of his rock for food and then bring it to his little "house". The last 3 days hes been out aggresvly feeding, crazy. Also thats a crazy wrasse story! lol


Originally Posted by comet_nut
Now comes the fun of restocking.... There is an undulate for sale at the local LFS.. Im ao tempted to get it. Realistically could you keep an undulate with a damsel, flame hawk and comet grouper>
an undulated trigger is oneof the most aggressive species of triggers and really should have the tanks to themselves