Funny little damsel (domo)

dad & son

:happyfish my damsel has been acting like a clown fish would with a anename (excuse my spelling) just with a plate here is a picture of the little guy and the plate. lol :happyfish
is he suppost to do this? if he is he looks very happy and he seems a little defensive against fish wondering around it. will this pose a problem in the future?


Common behavior for these guys, the only problem might be if you get clowns. He would beat the snot out of them over that coral.


Active Member
well they are both species of damselfish

damsels will often do so. and even if you did add a clown after and they didnt have anything like an anenome to host, they would find somethign else. it wouldnt be a big deal.


Originally Posted by moby
Common behavior for these guys, the only problem might be if you get clowns. He would beat the snot out of them over that coral.
my little guy damsel do the same thing to my yellow sebea anemone he think its his home