Funny name/occupation combo


Active Member
there is a dentist named Dr. slaughter, no kidding and his nurses last name is blood. try getting your kid to go to that dentist duo.


I was watching a formula or indy cart race a while ago and noticed there is a driver named Will Power


Active Member
waay back when i was growing up we used to look up odd names in the phone book...
Ionna Nut
Harry D--k
ect ...
what about the old NASCAR driver D--k Trickle... he drove kinda slow to


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my grandpa had a neurologist named................
Dr. Head.
no joke. He came into the hospital room and introduced himself (we did not know the neuro's name in the beginning). I was the first to laugh......he said I won the "prize". Then everyone started laughing. The situation was grave, and laughter even for a moment is good for the soul.
A friend of ours last name is Gough (sounds like off with a G in front) Dads name is Jack. What a miserable teen life he must have had. (future grandchild was named after him
) We are waiting for the child to enter his teenage years.


when my son broke his lil bitty toe the doctor was named Dr. Pepper!!! he said "save the jokes but my name is dr. pepper " my son was too young to understand but i giggled the whole time he was in there!


Active Member
Originally Posted by shroomie2u
when my son broke his lil bitty toe the doctor was named Dr. Pepper!!! he said "save the jokes but my name is dr. pepper " my son was too young to understand but i giggled the whole time he was in there!



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Originally Posted by crimzy
I went to high school with a girl named Holly Bush. This is not a joke.
I wonder what occupation she went into...

Ummmm..... gonna jump out on a limb and say "not gardening".

al mc

Active Member
My wife is an RN and there are two docs that work at the local hospital that have decent names:
1. Orthopedist named Dr. Axe
2. Internist named Dr. Maged (When he is paged over the hospital paging system it comes out sounding like Dr. Maggot).


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my buddies fathers name is Harold Richard Stump...
went to school with Justin Other Smith and Mike Suit Kase...


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Got a guy around me whos name is Greg Gregory....
Yea... I mean come on already, can we be a bit more creative. First time he introduced himself I thought he tripped up his first name so he repeated it. I said nice to meet you do you have a buisness card I can have for my file. When he handed it to me I almost laughed in his face... Yep his full name was Gregory, Gregory...