Originally Posted by Tizzo
OMG, I'd choose a rodent over a cat!! HAHA!
ppl keep snake food as pets? thats weird, but honestly cats tho a pain in the BLEEP r pretty smart and kno when theyre doin something bad, i remember this once this evil kitten hobbes (later named short circuit, sc for short) decided "hey, just to be a jerk ill go on the fish tank" so im sittin there rite next to my open top 35 hex (btw to any1 w/ small cats, OPEN TOP TANKS R A BAD IDEA) and he jumps up there, i said "no hobbes geddown" (NH drawl) he looks at me and i swear he grinned evilly and put his paw on the lights i was like "u bettr f****** not if u kno whats good for u" he then put two paws on it, at this point i grabbed my handy dandy icey super soaker and said "now r u gonna get down?" then he knocked himself, the lights, and a glass of oj (dont ask) into the tank, thank god the only thing that died was the lights which it cost me about twice what i paid to repair them, lesson learned: young cats+open top tank= bad bad things...