Future 10 gal. I hope


My dad said later on I might be able to set our 10 gallon tank up in my room. I know it will be a good while but I just wanted to figure a few things out. :notsure:
How much lr for a 10 gallon?
What kinds of coral can you have in a 10 gallon, if any, and how much light should you get?
Would these fish/inverts work?
Bicolor or Black Sailfin Blenny
Fire Fish Goby
Clown Goby or Yellow Watchman Goby
A couple of Tiger Shrimp
If the Blennies don't work then what about
Fire Fish Goby
Clown Goby
Yellow Watchman Goby
A couple of Tiger Shrimp
Thanks in advance for any help.


your second list looks better and for corals if i where you i would keep ricordias, zoos, torch, brain, mushrooms and lighting you should have between 5 to 9 wpg is what i like, I personally like pc if you can't do metal halide


How much do you think it would end up costing if you get descent lighting, the three gobies, a couple pistol shrimp, 12-15 lbs of LR and one of the cheaper corals. I allready have the actual tank, I would just need every thing else. I guess I would also need to add the fish at differnt times though wouldn't I. I just want to figure a price range, I know I won't be doing this any time soon. I will at least be a few months or more than likely more. Thanks for the help.


for your ten gallon your going to need a minimum of 15 pounds of live but if you can get more do it.it helps biological filtration.get either a AquaClear 70 or 110 and convert it to a fuge.theres forums to learn this.get the coralife 96w powerquad it gives you about 10 watts per gallon and its only 90 bucks.get an ebo jager 75 watt heater and maybe 2 powerheads for flow.and for your list your deff not keepin that many fish in a small tank.only 2 fish in the 10 for you(i know it kils me to).in my ten i have a clownfish and a clown goby.if i were you id do the yellow watchman/pistol shrimp bond and the firefish(if your willing to pay $$$ for a firefish get the helfriedis(spelling??)