future tank inhabitants....


This is just my "first draft" of inhabitants for my 30g cube (20x18x21) with a 175w MH, and 2x24 CF's, with of course LR (not sure how much right now) and probably 3-4" LS. A skimmer, and 1 or 2 powerheads will be included too. Here my list of things wanted right now, let me hear your opinions good or bad any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
-Gorgonian - carribean encrusting
-Waving Hand Coral
-mushroom polyp
-Brush Coral
-Finger Coral
-Feather Duster
-Cleaner Shrimp
-Emerald Crab
-Some hermit crabs
-Tridacna Clam
-Bubble shell slug
-Blue linckia starfish
-Short spined brittle starfish
-Long spined urchin
-Clown Fish
Sorry about that being such a long list. Also keep in mind I'm a beginner, but I've been doing my research for the past couple of months and I'm still going to be for the next month or so.


Active Member
Originally Posted by brettmc
This is just my "first draft" of inhabitants for my 30g cube (20x18x21) with a 175w MH, and 2x24 CF's, with of course LR (not sure how much right now) and probably 3-4" LS. A skimmer, and 1 or 2 powerheads will be included too. Here my list of things wanted right now, let me hear your opinions good or bad any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
-Gorgonian - carribean encrusting
-Waving Hand Coral
-mushroom polyp
-Brush Coral
-Finger Coral
-Feather Duster
-Cleaner Shrimp
-Emerald Crab
-Some hermit crabs
-Tridacna Clam
-Bubble shell slug
-Blue linckia starfish
-Short spined brittle starfish
-Long spined urchin
-Clown Fish
Sorry about that being such a long list. Also keep in mind I'm a beginner, but I've been doing my research for the past couple of months and I'm still going to be for the next month or so.
Sounds good, except for the blue linckia star..they are extremely hard to keep, and need at least 150 lbs of rock to SURVIVE, not thrive. 150 lbs will just not look right in a 30 gallon. Also, what kind of goby are you thinking? And what is Chiton? HTH
~Adam :happyfish


Yea the starfish was a little iffy. My gf keeps telling me that "I HAVE TO GET ONE" so we looked and looked and that one seemed the "easiest" to take care of. Gobies i'm still not for sure on, I thought they were just cool in the amount of sand that they sift through and such any suggestions? A chiton is in my Marine Invertebrates 500+ Essential to know Aquarium Species I'm not sure what its related to, but it looks a lot like a sea cucumber and is a grazing herbivore, according to this its a good reef animal and harmless. Apparently they are hard to find?