Fuval Edge Giga coral Frag tank


New Member
just looking for something small for my computer desk. so it'll be the 14g.
is it worth the Extra for added lights and cooling campared to the stock biocube?


Active Member
Originally Posted by MPevine11
just looking for something small for my computer desk. so it'll be the 14g.
is it worth the Extra for added lights and cooling campared to the stock biocube?
are you good with modifications?


Active Member
Originally Posted by MPevine11
eh depends, what kind of mods?
Everyone has just told you havn't they
"If you are concerned about the tank having little light, the aquapod (not the HQI one) and the biocube have the same issues. People always end up upgrading. Most ruin the sleek design by just plopping a big ugly fixture right on top.
There is also retro fits that are sold for these, in LED, which is awesome. There is also no reason why you can't DIY your own light right in this hood.
There is a thread here that says "DIY MH light 70 bucks". That could easily fit in this canopy and keep the setup looking sharp.
WPG is BS and you should never go by that rating. The tank is so small, that that light is adequate for keeping low light corals (like I suggested) or even non photosynthetic, meaning they require NO light.
There is no reason that this tank cannot have have a heater in it, in the filter and lighting chamber. Not every one needs a heater anyway.
Also the HOB filter is just fine. That is what plenty of people use for their set ups and it is just fine. Fluval makes great filters, so no worries there. I am sure that it will work very well.
As far as corners, take a look at 1 of my reefs. I have VERY low light PC on this reef and it seems to be flourishing. These picture are a little old and there are alot more corals now but the set up is still the same. Notice that the corners are not lit at all, and I wanted it that way for a reason. (it looks different than my other reef.)
I read up on a site that is not to be mentioned here and someone did some simple mods to this tank and it has turned out great.
They bought some different bulbs from an LED site. (I will PM you what I found out) and then they simply pulled out the filter that comes with this tank, from what I understand it is a pretty standard aquaclear 10 and they replaced it with an aquaclear 20 that fits in the same area. Other than that, they added sand and rock and cycled.
I looked over some stock lists too from other peoples fluval 6 gallons and it looks like they have a few different lists. Some people did some shrimp/goby pairs, other did mostly invert only with some sexy shrimp, some snails and lots of softies.
Personally, I would do this (and I plan to for our office away from home in the future):
replace the filter as mentioned^^^
retro fit either a MH light (like a lil 40 watt or something) or some LEDS
get some black sand
get some nice LR and cram the tank as full as possible (will make better filtering)
then put in 2-3 sexy shrimp
1 clown goby (a yellow or green would do nicely)
about 6 snails, like 1 of each kind (throw in a few bumble bees)
get tons of brighter, low light mushrooms, couple of leathers and some GSP
Call it good, keep it clean and simple. These tanks are supposed to be clean and modern, you don't want it too busy... Just enough to get some action and detail going on, little depth and as much bright color.
I think that would be a mighty fine tank indeed."


New Member
could you post a link to lights i could put in? just so i know what i'd be getting my self into. as for fish i just would like one percula clown......