

I am planning on getting my 29 gallon set up. I don't think it will be a reef, but will have live rock and sand in it. will house a snowflake eel (I know.......) Would this be good enough to keep t good?
-Fuval Multi-stage FilterFulval MSF 204 filter 180 GPH
-Power Sweep 214 or Penguin Powerhead
- Prizm skimmer
-Already have a heater from my freshwater tank
Is this all the equipment I need? Am I missing anything? What about air? Do you need to buy a pump too (that wouldn't be a problem) Would a hang-on filter from a freshwater tank work with the saltwater set-up? THanks for the replies-

the eel should be ok in that tank for awhile if you get him small. if you want to use the filter from your fw tank you can just change out the biowheels. and you really don't need anything else

milk man

New Member
I have the same set up for my 29 gallon agg. tank. I have an eel, lion and puffer all happy in there together. The fluval works great and filters up to a 40 gallon tank.