Fuzzy dark brown algae?



I have noticed some fuzzy dark brown algae/fungus looking stuff on some of my live rock. Any ideas? I'll try to post a pic.


This stuff is very fuzzy/cottony looking. Didn't think it was diatoms, but I guess it could be.



Originally posted by entice59
well its not brown but does it look like this?

well this is not my thread but I do have the same problem my tanks been up for 4 months. but mostly I have green alage all oveer glass most clean every day . light brown almost tan granular stuff on my sand.
my tank is a 90 gal and I do have a protein skimmer
many thanks if you can help


Active Member
thats hair algae and what can take care of it, although its either going to eat it or its going to complete avoid it, are sally light foots, emerald crabs (warning can attack fish and shrimps and can eat polyps and mushrooms but also it maybe not do those things) and there are hermits like blue legs and scarlets. only fish i know is a lawn mower blenny will eat that


Thanks for the pic entice...it doesn't look like that. It's very dark brown and very poofy...maybe it's some kind of a sponge. It's only in one area on one LR.


I'm also curious - mine is not "poofy" but it is spreading and startiing to crowd a featherduster - it's round and a small part is hanging off the rock - it's kinda tempting to peel it off - I don't think it's a mushroom and I don't have any experience with sponges.....:confused:


how old is your tank? What type of cleanup crew do you have?
what are you phosphate levels (po4)? If your phosphates are high it will stimulete the alge growth and if you take away the phosphates there is nothing for the alge to feed on and I am pretty sure that is what you have. I just when through the same thing. Red legg hermits and some turbo snails should help get it under control. try to use RO water if possible, and if your PO4 is high get some kents phosphate remover put it in a med size fine mesh filter bag and place it in the return or overflow if you have one or add it to you canister filter if that is what you use.