Fuzzy Drawf Lionfish in reef


I have a small one in my 75, he's liek the size of a half dollar. No problems except when I put my peppermint shrimp in, ( they were real small ) never saw them again. I'm assuming he got hungry. Everything else is too big for his mouth.


Dont do it.....i had one for a year i figured hed get about 5inches top this sucker got like seven inches was cool as hell but forget about having any shrimps, crabs or small fish..i seen him eat my cleaner shrimp which was pretty nice size shrimp in one shot sucked him dowm..and i fed him well an honestly i think thats what helped a hair alage problem i had cause i tryed to keep him happy with meaty foods but he ate that an everything else heres a quick list of what he has eaten in a year ...blue damsel,many pep. shrimp,cleaner shrimp,many emrald crabs,bi color blenny, an who knows what else..an if he's eaten all that that means thres alot of lion poop which means high nitrate...i gave him to my friend he has a fowlr doing great ..an now i can have all the crustations i want an every ones happy...dam i rambled on here...must of bin them trees the green trees


well it depends on what fish there are with him.........a nice reef safe agressive setup could be:
Small Angler
Harlequin tusk
and a tang that is MUCH bigger then angler


oh i noticed tank size....i would go with an angler, lionfish, and maybe something like a frogfish

nm reef

Active Member
It could work...as could the aggressive reef suggestion...but you'd likely not be able to have much diversity in snails/crabs/shrimp....they'd be on the menu.
Plus the aggressive species tend to be messy eaters and contribute to filtration problems that I'd prefer to avoid. that said...I agree it could work...but its not a direction I'd choose.


for a softy tank the bioload is fine........also with the angler and lionfish your snails would not be bothered.........yes they do contribute alot of waste yet compared to a tang of the same size the waste is pretty much equal......i have seen and know ppl with this setup and they are very pleased with it......the anglers are great fish....just like pets and they even let you rub them.........you can get them about 3" and they will be fine in a 30g with a lion...altho you would have to feed damsels every once in awhile


lol, I am not like some of the people on the board who spend about $400 in fish and don't even know if they can go together. Back to the topic, I really did not want a aggressive reef. Thanks for all the info everyone.